Our mission is to provide protection for every child, through law enforcement security measures, at every Texas public school campus.

We are committed to protecting all children and faculty on public school campuses in Texas. We see a gap in the security measures currently in place at many public schools and it is our mission to create solutions to better protect all students, teachers and staff.

What We Do
We are raising the bar for public school safety requirements by encouraging conversations, collaborating within the community, and fundraising with the purpose to protect those that cannot protect themselves.

How We Get It Done
It is our goal to provide a trained law enforcement officer on every public school campus in Texas. This officer will have advanced training specific to children and schools and will be present on campus throughout the entire school day.

Our Board Members
We are a group of Texas parents who are committed to raising our kids through the public school system. We are concerned about the lack of safety and risk exposures at public elementary schools and have come together to create solutions to protect every child in the state of Texas.
We are real people, not associated with any political agenda, focused on creating a safe environment for our children to learn and grow.
If you have the same concerns for your child and want to take action to make a real change in your local public school, please reach out to discuss options or click the link to make a donation to support our ongoing efforts.
Thank you for being a part of the change that our public schools desperately need. Learn more about us by clicking here.